Slippery Rock Market Celebrates National Farmers Market Week

US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has declared the week of August 2-8 “National Farmers Market Week.” According to Secretary Vilsack, “Farmers markets play a key role in developing local and regional food systems that support farmers and help grow rural economies. They bring communities together, connecting cities with the farms and proMay 16 2015viding Americans with fresh, healthy food.”

Slippery Rock Community Farmers’ Market invites consumers to visit on Saturday, August 8th during this commemorative week, as well as every Saturday (9:00 AM until 12:00 noon) through the end of October at Rock Falls Park (on Route 173 just south of Slippery Rock).

Locally-grown tomatoes and peppers are appearing at the market now, as well as summer squash, cucumbers, beans, greens, potatoes, onions, and garlic. Local, grass-finished beef for grilling, eggs, baked goods, preserved foods and unique, hand-crafted items also are available. Get to know growers and crafters to see (and even sample) all that they have to offer.

In addition to items for sale, the market schedules live music, activities for children, and informative displays related to food, gardening, health and sustainable living. On Saturday, August 8, Debbie Sale, of Jennings Environmental Education Center, will offer information and activities suitable for all ages related to the importance of bees. The display will include a live honeybee observation hive!

Keep up with what’s happening at the market at or call the farmers’ market hotline with questions: 724-374-3276.