Slow Food Events Begin Again at SRU

The Slow Food chapter of Slippery Rock University has announced four monthly events during the spring semester. Students and community members are invited to participate in these gatherings, which will be held at the Sustainable Enterprise Accelerator at 165 Elm Street in Slippery Rock. The first event will begin at 6:00 pm this coming Thursday, January 29, with the theme of “Super Bowl Food Alternatives…healthy food alternatives to get your game on.” Attendees are encouraged to bring a food item to share that fits the theme, and recipes are often requested.

In addition, mark your calendar for the next three events, listed and described on the flyer below. (Click on flyer to enlarge.)

Slow Food USA is part of the global Slow Food movement, that links the pleasure of good food with a commitment to the community, culture, knowledge and environment that makes this pleasure possible. Learn more at: Slow Food USA
