Upcoming Event: Presentation – Cohousing: Living Together Can be a Work of Art

Cohousing: Living Together Can be a Work of Art

Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013  7:30 pm

Spotts Building, Room 201, Slippery Rock University

Slippery Rock, PA

About the presentation: Cohousing is a response to the struggle between individualism and the the desire to join into a progressive empowering community with others.  Cohousing residents actively and collaboratively participate in the design and operation of their own neighborhoods.  The physical design of the community encourages both social contact and individual space. In this presentation, Sharon Sykora, PhD, will provide a history of the cohousing movement and the essential components of it through the lens of the communities she has visited.

About the presenter: Sharon Sykora, PhD, teaches in the Department of Political Science at Slippery Rock University. Specializing in American political behavior, she has taught at Slippery Rock for 24 years.  Dr. Sykora was recently granted a sabbatical year’s leave by the University, during which she investigated the principles and practicalities of cohousing communities across the United States.

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