SSR Summer 2012

The next Sustainable Slippery Rock Meeting will be Saturday June 16 at 11am at Rock Falls Park. The Speaker will be discussing mushroom cultivation, and our meeting will follow the presentation. The by-laws will be voted on and passed on that day.

We still need volunteers to help with the Slippery Rock Community Farmers’ Market. At our April meeting, we decided that we would collaborate with the market to really have an opportunity to network and promote SSR. Volunteers are needed for kids activities, welcome booth, parking and more. Please email me if you can help or know someone who can.

As our meetings in the summertime have traditionally been leaner than in the fall, I thing we should stick with the meeting being at the Farmers Market at Rock Falls Park after the speaker on the 3rd Saturday of each month. If anyone has a better idea for meeting times, please let me know and if support is enough we will work something out. But for the summer, I feel that for our organization to show its commitment to the Slippery Rock community, we need to take an active role. The Market is a great venue to promote SSR and we have speakers, music and kids activities every week. There’s something for everyone. Traditional meetings are scheduled to return this fall.

At our July meeting, we will vote to appoint a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary for the remainder of the year. Please email me with any nominations or volunteers.