April Earth Days at Slippery Rock University!

A month’s worth of educational and action-oriented events have been planned by Slippery Rock University’s President’s Commission on Sustainability, in collaboration with various academic departments and faculty, staff and community representatives. Many are open to the public. Some examples include:

  • A Climate Reality Leadership panel on April 18
  • Kaleidoscope Children’s Earth Day Celebration and EarthFest at the Macoskey Center on April 21
  • Screening of the film, “The Eagle Huntress” on April 24
  • “The Long Game: Sustainability and Reality in the Environmental Century,” a presentation on April 26 by Stephen Mulkey, scientist and former president of Unity College
  • A community E-Waste Collection Day on April 28
  • and various showings of the film, “The Lorax.”

A calendar of these events with details can be found on the university’s Sustainability web page.